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Linha de produção de gesso em pó

The powder materials which are from grinding powder process or powder silo, they will through vertical, horizontal conveyor and then through measuring screw conveyor into boiling furnace for calcination. Boiling furnace take high temperature heat transfer oil as heat source, high temperature heat transfer oil is provided by coal-fired thermal oil boiler. When the high temperature transfer oil enter boiling furnace, its heat will transmit to gypsum powder by heat exchanger, and make CaSO4 *2H2O become into CaSO4 *1/2H2O (building gypsum). During calcination, we adjust discharge temperature according to raw gypsum’s feeding quantity, calcined building gypsum continuous automatic discharge from boiling furnace, and are conveyed to building gypsum silo pass through screw conveyor and bucket elevator. And the heat transfer oil will return flow into coal-fired thermal oil boiler for reheat.

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